
Character (from the Greek charakter - distinctive feature, feature) is a set of stable individual characteristics of a person, which develops and manifests itself in activity and communication. Character is formed during a person’s life under the influence of upbringing and one’s own life experiences.

Main character traits:

  1. temperament is the innate characteristics of the psyche, manifested in the dynamics of mental activity.

  2. will is a person’s ability to act in the direction of a consciously set goal, while overcoming internal obstacles.

  3. emotionality is a person’s tendency to experience certain feelings.

  4. moral qualities - traits that determine the moral character of a person (justice, honesty, conscientiousness, etc.)

Character is manifested in behavior, attitude towards business, other people, and oneself. Knowing character is important for understanding a person's actions and behavior.

Character: unique personality

Character is a set of individual mental properties of a person that leave an imprint on his behavior and activities. Character gives a person a unique identity, being one of the most important features of individuality. It is manifested by strong-willed characteristics, as well as characteristics of the emotional sphere, temperament and intelligence. Character traits are stable personality traits, but they are not immutable.

Character is a combination of the most stable and expressive personality traits that are found in behavior, actions, attitude towards nature and society, towards oneself. Character is formed gradually under the regulating influence of social conditions, training and upbringing. Upbringing in the family and school, and the behavior of others are of great importance in the formation of character.

The formation and development of character in childhood and adolescence is not only possible, but also should be influenced by strengthening positive and suppressing negative traits. It is important to remember that character development is an ongoing process that requires attention and effort throughout life.

One of the main character traits is will. Will is a person’s ability to self-regulate, control one’s behavior and overcome difficulties. A strong will allows a person to achieve his goals, overcome difficulties and find a way out of difficult situations.

However, in addition to strong-willed traits, the character also shows features of the emotional sphere. A person may be prone to emotional instability, irritability, aggressiveness or, conversely, to calmness, balance and goodwill. It is important to learn to manage your emotions and find a balance between various manifestations of the emotional sphere.

Character also reveals characteristics of temperament and intelligence. Temperament determines the characteristics of a person’s emotional sphere, his tendency to a certain type of behavior and reactions to various situations. Intelligence determines the level of development of thinking, the ability to analyze and solve complex problems.

It is important to remember that character is something deeper than behavior and external manifestations of personality. It determines how a person perceives the world, what values ​​are close to him and how he makes decisions. Character is a kind of “skeleton” of a personality, which determines its main features and direction of development.

However, character is not immutable and can be changed and developed. It takes effort and self-control, but it is possible. It is important to understand that character change is a long process that requires time and patience.

It is also important to note that character is not only an individual property of a person, but also a social one. Personality is formed under the influence of social conditions, and in turn, influences the environment. Therefore, it is important to be aware of your actions and behavior, and also to be aware of your responsibility for your influence on the people around you.

In conclusion, character is the unique identity of a person, which determines its main features and direction of development. Character is formed under the influence of social conditions, training and upbringing. It consists of stable personality traits that are manifested in behavior, actions and attitudes towards the environment. It is important to realize your responsibility for your character and constantly work to strengthen and develop it.

Character is a kind of historical projection of the human principle. This is a global concept that occupies a central place in the life of every person.

What is character? There is no clear definition of this concept. Nature strives for the isolation of phenomena and objects. Thus, the name “character” is used to designate two completely different things: etymologically - to understand the similarity between human nature and the characteristics of various objects (size, weight, hardness, size, etc.); to denote “fidelity of character” understood as the constancy of human manifestations.

The factors influencing the formation of personality are the environment and upbringing of a person, but the most important and decisive factor in determining his