
Anergy is a condition in which the immune system remains unresponsive to a specific antigen or allergen. This occurs due to a lack of immune cell activation, resulting in a low level of immune response. The word "anergy" comes from the Greek "an-" (negation) and "ergon" (work), which literally means "lack of work."

When the immune system functions normally, it recognizes and responds to antigens such as viruses and bacteria, as well as allergens that cause allergic reactions. However, in some cases, for example, in the presence of immunodeficiency conditions, the immune system may not respond to antigens, which leads to anergy.

There are several mechanisms that lead to the development of anergy. One of them is associated with a lack of activation signals for immune cells, which are necessary for them to begin to respond to antigens. Another mechanism involves the presence of special cells called regulatory T cells, which suppress the activity of other immune cells and thus prevent them from responding to antigens.

Additionally, the term anergy can be used to describe a state of lack of energy in the body. In this case, anergy can be caused by various reasons, such as nutritional deficiencies, metabolic disorders, or diseases such as cancer or thyroid disease.

A person in a state of anergy is called anergic. This term can be used both to describe the state of the immune system and to describe the general condition of the body.

In general, anergy is a condition that can be caused by various reasons and which can have various consequences for the body. Understanding the mechanisms underlying this condition can help in the development of new treatments and prevention of various diseases.

What is anergy?

Anergy is the lack of response of the body to a specific antigen (for example, allergen, antidepressant) or to an irritant. This condition can occur in both healthy people and patients who are experiencing various diseases. Anergy is one of the signs

Anergy, or Anergy (from Latin an- - absence and Greek ergon- - action) in medicine means the absolute absence of the body's reaction to a certain allergen or antigen. This term is used in allergology. Typically, allergies manifest themselves in the form of nonspecific reactions such as Quincke's edema with unstable eosinophilia (complete blood count), caused by passive contact with allergens (raw materials, food). But they also produce local allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of itching and rashes. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. Let's look at some of them. For example