Anesthesia General

General anesthesia (a. generalis) is a method of pain relief that achieves inhibition of all types of sensitivity: pain, tactile, temperature, etc. With general anesthesia, loss of consciousness occurs, which allows operations to be performed without feeling pain.

General anesthesia is achieved by administering anesthetic agents that affect the central nervous system. The most commonly used agents are intravenous or inhalational anesthetics. Inhalational anesthetics are administered through the respiratory tract in the form of gases or vapors.

Advantages of general anesthesia:

  1. Complete loss of consciousness and sensitivity during surgery.
  2. Control of vital body functions (respiration, blood circulation).


  1. Risk of complications during anesthesia.
  2. Long recovery period after anesthesia.

Thus, general anesthesia is an effective method for performing surgical operations, in which the patient does not experience pain and is not aware of what is happening. However, this type of anesthesia requires careful monitoring of the patient’s vital functions.