Anesthesia According to Lukashevich

Anesthesia is anesthesia used to reduce or eliminate pain during medical procedures and surgery. Pain management reduces sensitivity to pain and helps the patient remain calm and comfortable in the face of discomfort. Anesthesia can be used to relieve pain during surgery, dental procedures, childbirth, and to reduce pain after injuries, burns, surgeries, and other injuries.

Complications After anesthesia, some patients may experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath and others. Some patients may experience discomfort, such as numbness of the skin, lips, tongue, difficulty speaking and breathing in the lungs. In addition, anesthesia may cause allergic reactions in some patients. Therefore, it is very important to carry out anesthesia by qualified specialists and monitor the patient’s condition.

Features Anesthesia is carried out using special agents that are introduced into the body through the blood or skin. One of the most popular methods is the use of gaseous agents such as nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitrous oxide. But modern anesthesia methods also allow the use of liquid and gaseous agents. For example, ocular anesthesia can be provided by a combination of nitrous oxide and oxygen (natural gas). Anesthetics can be introduced into the patient's body through veins, arteries, or veins. This allows you to achieve a high level of pain relief and reduce the risk of side effects.

Types of Anesthetics There are many types of anesthetics, including inhalational, intravenous, intrathecal, retrobulbar, epidural, injection, intramuscular, and epidural anesthetics. The choice of pain reliever depends on the type of medical procedure being performed. The most common types of anesthetics include halothane, isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane. Some of these anesthetics can be used for general anesthesia. They may also be used in local anesthesia to provide pain relief during surgery, injections, or examinations.

Divulsion is used only for procedures related to childbirth. At the beginning of pregnancy, women should get used to this type of pain relief.