Anesthesia Sexual

Genital anesthesia is a term used in medicine to describe the process by which a person becomes numb to a specific area of ​​the body during surgical or other medical procedures. This technique is used to reduce the patient's pain and anxiety during the procedure.

With genital anesthesia, the drug is injected into the circulatory system immediately before the procedure. The substance then begins to spread throughout the body, reaching the brain, where it blocks pain signals. There is a total blocking of pain signals. Thus, the patient is in a state of analgesia, as if he were “stunned” or that he was in a “drowsy state.”

Many medical procedures may require genital anesthesia. For example, this may be necessary during abdominal surgery, childbirth, cataract removal, dental treatment, and other procedures. Genital anesthesia can also prevent the patient from panicking, who