
  1. An anesthetic is a compound that reduces or completely eliminates sensitivity, acting either on the entire human body (general anaesthetic) or on a specific area (local anesthetic). General anesthetics used during surgery suppress the activity of the central nervous system, causing a reversible loss of consciousness. Anesthesia is usually achieved by short-term exposure to barbiturates (eg, thiopentone) and maintained by further inhalation of anesthetics (eg, halothane). Local anesthetics inhibit impulses traveling along sensory nerves to the site where they are injected; these include amethocaine, bupivacaine and lignocaine.

  2. An anesthetic is a drug that reduces or completely eliminates sensitivity.

Anesthetic (Anaesthetic): Reduction or complete elimination of sensitivity

Anesthetics play an important role in medicine, allowing procedures and operations to be performed without pain or discomfort for the patient. They are classified into two main types: general anesthetics and local anesthetics.

General anesthetics are compounds that have an effect on the entire human body, causing a reversible loss of consciousness. They are used during surgical procedures when complete anesthesia is required. General anesthetics suppress the activity of the central nervous system and create a state of painless sleep. One of the most commonly used general anesthetics is thiopental, which is given into the body by injection. Inhalation of anesthetic gases such as halothane may be used to maintain anesthesia during surgery.

Local anesthetics, as their name suggests, only affect a specific area of ​​the body. They block the conduction of sensory nerves, which leads to a decrease or complete disappearance of sensation in a certain part of the body. Local anesthetics are widely used during minor surgical procedures, providing anesthesia at the surgical site. Some of the most common local anesthetics include amethocaine, bupivacaine, and lignocaine.

The anesthesia process requires experienced and qualified medical personnel, as improper use of anesthetics can have unwanted side effects. Therefore, it is important to strictly follow the dosage and recommendations provided by professional anesthesiologists.

In conclusion, anesthetics are an integral part of modern medicine. Thanks to general and local anesthetics, patients can receive the necessary treatment and surgical interventions without pain or discomfort. It is important to remember that the use of anesthetics should be carried out under the supervision of qualified professionals to ensure the safety and comfort of the patient.

Anesthetics: Reduces sensation and pain

Anesthetics are drugs that act on the nervous system to reduce the body's feelings and sensations. These drugs are used to relieve pain and reduce pain during various medical procedures such as surgery, dental procedures and others. In this article we will look at the different types of anesthetics, their actions and uses. An anesthetic is a drug that reduces or weakens the sensitivity of tissues by irritating, inhibiting activity, paralyzing, or stopping impulses in the nerves. The main effect of local anesthetics is to numb a specific area or area of ​​the body (the part of our body responsible for certain