Post-salvar fibrositis

Post-salvarsan fibrositis is a painful condition that occurs in people who are treated with salvarsan. This disease causes discomfort and pain in the joints, leads to restrictions in movement and can cause complications in other organs. In this article we will look at what fibrositis is, how it occurs and how it can be treated.

What is fibrosis?

Fibrosis is the process of healing of skin tissue and blood vessels, which results in the formation of scar tissue. This process begins in response to injury or inflammation and continues over several weeks or months. The scar tissue then provides protection from further damage, but it can also have negative consequences. If this healing does not proceed properly, fibrous tissue can form in the body. It can harm the function of organs such as the lungs and kidneys and lead to poor overall health.

Causes of fibrositis

When treated with salvarsan, patients may experience symptoms such as tenderness, swelling, redness, bruising, fever, and decreased joint function. These symptoms usually occur up to 8 weeks after treatment with salvarsanan. One of the causes of fibrosis when treated with salvansarsannas is their effects on the sheath of nerves inside the joints. In addition, factors that may contribute to the development of fibrosis include age, stress, a weakened immune system, chronic diseases and other conditions that maintain the disease over a long period of time.

Treatment of fibrositis after salvenars involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and steroid injections into the damaged areas. Orthopedic devices such as elbow and knee pads are also often used to help relieve stress on the joints and slow the progression of pain. In addition, physical therapy and massage can help restore elasticity to the muscles and tissues near the affected joint and prevent the formation of new scars.

Complications of fibrositis from salvarosanna

Although such fibrostitis is usually harmless and can go away on its own, there are serious risks of complications. One of them is ankylosis, or gradual hardening of the joint. Ankylosis can be caused by fibrosis following salvage surgery, infections, dislocations, or arthritis. In addition, fibrosis after savory can cause damage to blood supplying tissues, cartilage or nerves, which can lead to joint dysfunction.