
Thyroid disease *Thyroid or endocrine disease, sometimes also called Graves' disease, is a chronic disease that is associated with disruption of the thyroid gland, which results in an increase in its activity and production of thyroid hormones.* _Thyroid hormones stimulate metabolism in the body and affect the absorption of heat and the functioning of the nervous system. Accordingly, changes caused by thyroid disease affect the functioning of the entire body._

Symptoms of Thyroid Disease

*The disease is accompanied by the following manifestations:* + _development of edema;_ + feeling of hot attacks of fever; + chronic fatigue; + weight gain: lack of appetite affects weight; at the same time, accumulations of fat around the eyes and abdomen grow; the spread of fatty deposits on the arms and legs can be noticeable to the opposite sex; increased thirst and profuse sweating; drowsiness increases regardless of the time of day, which leads to rapid exhaustion, lack of sleep, the person does not have time to rest, he becomes withdrawn and irritable; fatigue; high blood sugar.