Aneurysmal Bone Cyst

Bone cysts are a relatively common condition and many people experience them in their lives. Although it is not cancerous, it can have serious consequences if left unattended. In this article we will look at the features of a bone cyst, the causes of its appearance and treatment methods.

What is a bone cyst?

A bone cyst is an abnormal formation that occurs as a result of the accumulation of blood or lymph in the tissues. This can occur when blood vessels or vessels in the lymphatic system are damaged.

Aneurysmal cysts are often found in the bones of the skull and spine. They can cause headaches, neck pain, and even paralysis.

Diagnosis of a bone cyst includes x-rays, computed tomography and magnetic resonance angiography. Treatment for a bone aneurysm depends on its size and location. Most often, surgical removal of cysts is used, and in some cases sclerotherapy is performed.

A bone marrow cyst is a rare benign tumor-like process. Formed as a result of blockage of the bone marrow canal or direct germination of malignant cells towards the cortical zone of the bone trunk. The etiology of the disease is not entirely clear, but particular importance is given to infections of bone structures, trauma, cancer and autoimmune processes. The disease is diagnosed in patients over the age of 20; women are more susceptible to the disease than men. The cyst is observed in any bone tissue, however, it mainly affects the limbs,

A bone cyst (bone hemangioma) is a malformation characterized by the presence of a closed focus of calcified tissue, the cavity of which is filled with blood or lymph. A common form of bone pathology, diagnosed mainly in childhood and adolescence. Accounts for 7% of all skeletal neoplasms. It occurs significantly more often in girls. This pathology is not a tumor. It is believed that the pathological formation appears as a result of circulatory disorders. The formations are isolated from each other, making the cystic lesions relatively safe and harmless in terms of their spread. Therefore, surgical treatment may even be recommended in case of hemangioma enlargement during long-term observation. Hemangiomas, as a rule, do not manifest themselves in any way and do not grow quickly, so surgical treatment can be postponed. Such formations are considered birth defects that do not affect human growth and development. In addition, according to statistics, benign forms of hemangiomas often disappear without a trace, since they contain avascular zones in the structure. Indications for treatment are rapid growth, cosmetic defect (if localized on the front part), damage to surrounding tissues. When examining a patient, the doctor must necessarily examine the objective plane of the teeth. A reliable method for diagnosing ossification hematomas and hematogular annevism is computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

An aneurysmal bone cyst is an abnormality characterized by the formation of a benign tumor within the bone that grows and expands, causing an increase in bone strength. It can occur in any bone in the body, including the bones of the skull, pelvis, spine, arms, legs and ribs. A bone cyst may be tiny, occupying