Aneurysm Saccular

A saccular aneurysm (a. sac-formis) is a pathological expansion of the arterial wall, which has the shape of a sac. This condition can occur in a variety of arteries, but is most common in the abdomen and chest.

A saccular aneurysm can be caused by various reasons, such as trauma, infection, congenital malformations and other diseases. It can lead to serious complications such as bleeding, rupture of the aneurysm wall and others.

One of the treatment methods for saccular aneurysm is surgery. During surgery, the surgeon removes the aneurysm and strengthens the artery wall. In some cases, a stent or other medical device may need to be placed to prevent the artery from re-expanding.

In addition, to prevent saccular aneurysm, it is necessary to avoid injuries, infections and other factors that can lead to its development. It is also important to undergo regular medical examinations and examinations to identify possible problems in the early stages.