Angina Syphilitic Papuleznaya

Syphilitic papules are a morphological manifestation of secondary damage to the lymphatic pharyngeal ring by the syphilis virus during the chronic course of the disease or after a cured infectious syphilitic process.

Sore throat (acute catarrhal syphilitic tonsillitis), as a manifestation of the secondary and early latent period of contagious and incurable syphilis, can be observed in children of various age groups. The appearance of salivary syphilitic papules on the soft palate along the frenulum of the upper extremities can also be attributed to secondary manifestations of infection.

Cases of papillo are becoming classic

Sore throat Syphilotic Papular, or otherwise Streptococcus anginae, is a type of throat infection caused by a specific microorganism, group A streptococcus (Streptococcus pyogenes). This bacterium can cause many different diseases, including sore throat, erysipelas, and other health problems. However, Streptococcus anginae is a specific throat infection.

One of the most well-known manifestations of syphilotic sore throat is large red spots on the throat, similar to small pimples. Sometimes a profuse purulent plaque may appear. The tongue may also show numerous red sores and a “strawberry tongue” lesion on the tongue. All signs of a syphilotic disease resemble manifestations of ordinary periostitis, which makes diagnosis difficult. In rare cases, iodine intolerance may occur due to