Ангиодисплазия (Angiodysplasia)

Angiodysplasia is a rare disease that is characterized by an abnormal accumulation of small blood vessels in the intestinal wall. As a result, blood-filled vessels can dilate and cause bleeding in the intestines.

Symptoms of angiodysplasia can be different and not always obvious. In most cases, patients complain of periodic episodes of intestinal bleeding, which may manifest as bloody streaks in the stool, bloody rectal discharge, or excessive blood loss from the intestines. Some patients may also experience abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

Colonoscopy or angiography is used to diagnose angiodysplasia. A colonoscopy is a procedure in which a flexible tube with a camera on the end is inserted into the intestine to visualize the inside of the intestine and look for abnormalities. Angiography is an x-ray test in which a contrast agent is injected into the intestinal vessels to identify abnormal vessels.

Treatment of angiodysplasia depends on the extent of the disease and the severity of symptoms. In mild cases, conservative treatment may be sufficient, including taking iron and medications that improve blood clotting. In more severe cases, diathermocoagulation may be required - a treatment method that involves applying heat to abnormal vascular tissue, leading to its destruction. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the affected part of the intestine.

In general, the prognosis for most patients with angiodysplasia is favorable. Most patients are successfully treated and recover after diagnostic and treatment procedures. However, if the disease is ignored and left untreated, it can lead to serious complications such as anemia and intestinal bleeding.

In conclusion, angiodysplasia is a rare disease that is characterized by an abnormal collection of blood vessels in the intestinal wall. Diagnosis is made by colonoscopy or angiography, and treatment may include diathermocoagulation or surgery. Early consultation with a doctor and proper treatment can successfully cope with the disease and avoid serious complications.

Angiodysplasia in women

Angiodysplasia is an abnormally widespread accumulation of tortuous and slightly enlarged arterioles and venules located inside the wall. The cause of this deviation can be congenital or acquired. Most of the process is asymptomatic or manifests itself with symptoms that can be confused with other diseases. One of the variants of the course is an uncomplicated form, which is often detected only during the diagnosis of other pathologies, or by random examination. A more complex option involves the presence of multiple local lesions of the digestive system, which can cause complications. Diagnosis requires the joint efforts of gastroenterologists, phlebologists and hematologists. Treatment of angiodyspathies involves both active and passive effects, often surgical intervention. edge

Angiodysplasia of the intestine: what is it and how to treat it

Angiodysplasia (Angiodyspasia) is an abnormal accumulation of small vessels located in the intestinal walls. They can occur completely randomly or be a symptom of another disease. The treatment is carried out by a surgeon.

Causes of angiodysplasia:

1. Liver cirrhosis; 2. Polycystic kidney syndrome; 3. Diseases of the venous system; 4. Endocrine diseases; 5. Intestinal inflammation; 6. Chronic viral hepatitis. 7. Hereditary factors. **Suspicion of the presence of angiodyspasia is manifested by a number of symptoms:**

Feeling of fullness in the stomach after every meal. There may be a urge to defecate, but the stool remains liquid. Severe bloating and a feeling of transfusion in the abdomen due to the fact that part of the blood enters the intestines in a state of mehur. Frequent bleeding from the anus or an increase in existing secretions of mucus and blood, especially during physical exertion. It is also possible to smear blood from below when coughing, sneezing or other unusual body movements. Alternating constipation and diarrhea. Constipation accompanied by bloating is more likely. In this case, there is a feeling of insufficient absorption of nutrients in the intestines. For example, loss of appetite. It is important to remember that the appearance of these symptoms does not indicate the presence of pathological changes in the intestines, but requires a comprehensive examination. If you have had the symptoms described above, be sure to consult a doctor. An experienced surgeon will determine whether you have angiodylasia. If so, he will offer you possible treatment options, including surgery.