Giant set

In the last article we already learned what it is superset or super series, why they are needed, how to use them correctly and when to use them. We also looked at various types of superset, and now we know that a superset of three exercises is called triset. Let's continue our study and move on. Having studied the previous material, a logical question may arise: “Can a super series consist of more than three exercises?”

Our answer: “of course it can.” There are supersets of four exercises, five, and even much more exercises. These supersets are called: "giant set". It is this methodology that we will study in detail in this article.

From a fundamental point of view, a giant set is no different from a superset, or from its younger brother, a triset. The only difference is significant more exercises in a single cycle. In fact, the triple series is the simplest version of the giant set. Another minor difference is that the giant version of the approach is basically always oriented on the same muscle group. It doesn’t make much sense to scatter yourself into different areas. But to work on one element comprehensively and comprehensively is just the thing.

So the giant set is actually complex from 4 to 6 exercises selected for one muscle group with short rest between exercises or without it at all. Let's say you set out to train your pectoral muscles using a giant set, of course.

Let us show with an example how this is done correctly:
  1. We lie down on a horizontal bench and do 8-12 bench presses with a wide grip,
  2. Then, immediately, lowering the barbell onto the rack, we pick up dumbbells and perform the same number of flyes,
  3. After this, we move on to working on a block device - we do the reduction of both hands 12-15 times.
  4. Having completed the previous exercise, we again lie down on the bench and perform a pullover with a dumbbell for 8-12 repetitions.
  5. We finish our cycle by bringing our elbows together on the butterfly machine 12-15 times.

Here's an example of one giant approach. Moreover, rest breaks between exercises should be 30 seconds, or better yet, none at all. refuse. Having completed all five exercises of the giant set, you can rest for five minutes and proceed to the next super approach. Carrying out approaches according to this scheme, and repeating this cycle 3-4 times, you will be able to do any exercise from this complex, working on each individual element of the target muscle, which will provide your pectoral muscles harmonious and balanced development. But isn’t this the dream of each of us?

And finally, one more piece of advice: a giant set, of course. most powerful weapon in the hands of a savvy and theoretically competent bodybuilder, but you must clearly understand: when and why it should be used! Ato, sometimes such a funny picture happens: a snotty newcomer with thin arms and legs, thin as a matchstick, comes into the hall and starts doing a giant set... And with such a serious and concentrated look... Well, isn’t it funny? Remember: if you are new to bodybuilding, for the first couple of years, completely forget about supersets, trisets and giant sets. You need to do basic, basic, and only basic exercises until you gain at least some muscle mass. And after that, it’s time to remember and put into practice the knowledge you gained in this article. Good luck to all!

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