Siderotic angiofibroma

Siderotic angiofibroma (angiofibroma sideroticum) is a rare benign neoplasm characterized by the proliferation of fibroblasts, a feature of which is the deposition of hemosiderin in tumor cells.

This is a slow-growing tumor, most often localized on the extremities, especially on the lower ones. Clinically manifests itself as a dense, painless subcutaneous brown node.

Histologically, proliferation of fibroblasts and histiocytes is determined against the background of hemosiderin deposition in the cytoplasm of cells, as well as the presence of thin-walled vessels.

Differential diagnosis includes dermatofibrosarcoma, neurofibroma and other fibroblast tumors.

Surgical treatment is excision of the tumor. The prognosis is favorable, relapses are rare.

Siderous angiofiboma (Angeofibroma of the nose), or histimocytoma (Histiocytoma) Hemosideronic.

Syn.: Siderous angiomatosis, retention sidereal desmia. Synonyms - Reticular hemorrhaging angiomatous hemangioma. Odontogenic cystic formation is a fibrous cyst with suppuration. Histologically transitional angioneuroma. Hemorrhaging angioreticuloma. - Histio-fibrous pseudosyphilitic skin lesion. Malignant facial ectasia. Diagnosis