Natural Light Factor

KEO is the coefficient of natural illumination, which determines the compliance of the conditions established in a particular room with the necessary standards. The quality of lighting and the possibility of using it to solve a number of problems depend on the value of this parameter. Today we will tell you what the optimal level of natural light should be in the rooms, and what rules must be followed when calculating KEO.

What is natural light factor? KEO shows the amount of light that naturally enters the room throughout the day. This parameter is necessary when equipping classrooms, since it may be necessary to calculate the optimal number of artificial light sources to achieve the required level. To do this, you need to find the general indicator of natural illumination and subtract the total illumination from it. The formula will look like this: KEO = En - Eis, where En, Eis are indicators of general and artificial lighting, respectively. The resulting number is compared with the recommended value. In addition, the value of the natural light coefficient is controlled, first of all, by employees of sanitary and epidemiological stations. In this case, it is the amount of natural light that is assessed. The artificial should complement it, and not serve as the primary source of light. How is the ratio measured? KEO measurements must be carried out to determine how much changes in lighting are necessary, or whether it is necessary to modernize existing systems at all. Measurements must be carried out independently of designers and developers. There are three methods: by general indicators, point and photometric methods. In the first case, the brightness level is taken at the entrance to the building, and in the second - in each room. All these measurements are necessary, especially if the room is a specialized class, for example

Daylight coefficient is an important parameter that determines the quality of lighting in an indoor or outdoor space. It measures how well an object is illuminated and depends on several factors, including the direction of the light, the shape and transparency of the surface, and the distance to the light source.

The daylight factor value is determined by measuring the ratio of the amount of light falling on a surface to the maximum possible amount of light that can reach that surface. For this purpose, special devices are used - photometers.

Daylight factor (NLU) plays an important role not only in ensuring eye comfort. It also affects work productivity and overall quality of life. Insufficient lighting can lead to visual fatigue, decreased concentration and attentiveness, which can negatively affect work and study. Therefore, it is important to choose the right lighting for different rooms and tasks.

Measuring daylight factor allows you to determine the amount of light brought naturally into a room and compare it with the amount of light needed to maintain good vision.