Angiopulmonography General

Angiopulmonography (APG) is one of the methods for studying the vessels of the pulmonary artery and arterioles. It includes a number of x-ray techniques, the essence of which is to fill the vessels with a contrast agent and then evaluate the results obtained on the x-ray. The study helps to identify the causes and mechanism of development of diseases, as well as timely detection of circulatory abnormalities in the pulmonary circulation. APG is considered one of the most informative ways to diagnose respiratory diseases.

The technique is actively used both abroad and in Russia for examining children and adults - the only difference is in the nuances of the study: the technique for studying the vessels of the pulmonary artery (part of the superior vena cava or cardiac vein, which flows into the right ventricle) is used by pediatricians, angiographic demonstration of the pulmonary circle is indicated exclusively in the vascular departments of pulmonology clinics. AP method

Angiopulmonary radiography of the lungs (radiography of the pulmonary vessels or angiography in common parlance) is a method for studying the structure of the pulmonary vessels. Using angiographic methods of lung pathology, disturbances in blood flow in the vessels of each individual segment and adjacent areas of lung tissue are determined