Gerlach Method

**Gerlach method**

This is exactly what the name of quantum mechanics sounds like without translation into English. He created the theory of the Bohr-Zeeman effect in gases; in addition, the contribution to the physics of this method is that it became the basis for the study of neutron processes in molecules, as well as the properties of atomic nuclei.

Also, in addition to all this, he worked on studying the spectra of hydrogen and helium atoms. It was he who discovered the very first effect in nuclear physics, obtaining special data on its influence on the line spectra of multielectron atoms. The results of the German physicist's research and experiments enabled him to confirm the existence of subatomic particles - neutrons. This was in 1932.

The discovery of the essence of the spectrum helped to make a significant step in the understanding and further study of the structure of the atom. The idea created by Geicher about the structure of the atom became the driving force for scientists working in the fields of chemistry, astrophysics, mechanics, and now for cosmology. Developing further knowledge about the structure of the energy levels of atoms, the scientist found out exactly how to neutralize the magnetic field in the gap between two helium-3 atoms, the atoms of which are paired.