
Country of origin: Russia
Pharm-Group: Local anesthetics

Manufacturers: Biomed (Russia)
International name: Anilocaine
Dosage forms: solution for injection 2%
Composition: Active substance: anilocaine.

Indications for use: Local anesthesia for surgical interventions and diagnostic procedures. Injection. Infiltration anesthesia (hernia repair, appendectomy, reduction of dislocations, bone fractures, etc.), conduction anesthesia (including large nerves and nerve plexuses), epidural and spinal anesthesia. Solution for external use. Superficial (terminal) anesthesia of the mucous membranes: in otolaryngology (carrying out various manipulations in the nasal cavity and ear - probing, catheterization, removal of polyps, electrocoagulation of bleeding areas of the nasal mucosa, puncture of the maxillary sinuses), in dentistry (aphthous stomatitis, vesicular lichen, pulpitis ), urology (catheterization), proctology (rectal fissures, proctitis, anal itching, epithelial coccygeal ducts, the period after hemorrhoidectomy), fibrobroncho- and fibrogastroscopy, etc. In anesthesiology: application to endotracheal tubes before tracheal intubation.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, sinus bradycardia, age under 14 years (solution for injection).

Side effects: Solution for injection: dizziness, general weakness, decreased blood pressure. Solution for external use: allergic reactions.

Interaction: Strengthens the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system of other local anesthetics, anesthetics, sleeping pills, sedatives, tranquilizers, narcotic analgesics. Epinephrine increases the duration and severity of the effect.

Overdose: Symptoms: pallor of the facial skin and mucous membranes, dizziness, general weakness, nausea, vomiting, arrhythmia, decreased blood pressure, even collapse, motor agitation, convulsions. Treatment: cessation of administration, maintenance of adequate oxygenation, intravenous administration of symptomatic agents.

Special instructions: Use with caution in patients prone to allergic reactions. Against the background of renal and liver failure, it is necessary to use lower doses. When combined with epinephrine, the possibility of its cardiotropic effects (increased heart rate, etc.) should be taken into account.

Literature: Encyclopedia of Medicines 2005