
Animus is a male archetype inherent in the female psyche. The concept of "animus" was introduced by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung to denote the masculine principle in the female psyche.

According to Jung's theory, the animus is part of the collective unconscious and represents a woman's accumulated experience of communicating with men. He acts as a cumulative image of a man, consisting of many traits that a woman has observed in fathers, brothers, lovers and other significant men throughout her life.

The animus personifies typically masculine qualities - rationality, activity, determination, courage, aggressiveness. It helps a woman exhibit these qualities when necessary. At the same time, an unintegrated animus can have a destructive influence, manifesting itself in the form of uncontrollable attacks of anger, short temper, and a tendency to argue and conflict.

Integration of the animus, according to Jung, is an important task in the process of individuation of a woman, helping her to gain inner integrity and psychological balance. The animus expresses the male potential of the female personality. Its development expands the sphere of consciousness and life opportunities of a woman.

Animus is a term used in psychology and sociology to describe the masculine archetype found in women. It was introduced by psychoanalyst Carl Jung in his work “Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious”.

Jung defined the animus as the male component of the female psyche, which manifests itself through qualities such as strength, determination, independence and self-confidence. He also noted that animus can manifest itself in various forms, such as clothing style, behavior and even choice of profession.

In modern society, the animus is often associated with masculinity and manliness, which can lead to discrimination against women who exhibit these qualities. However, Jung believed that the animus is an integral part of the female personality and should be accepted and respected.

Thus, the animus is not simply a masculine quality that should be suppressed in women, but rather a manifestation of feminine nature and strength. It is important to understand that each person is unique and has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is important to respect and accept these differences.

Animus, or Anima, - according to Freud, this is the archetypal image of a person. This image represents the opposite of anima. The animus, as a personification, opposes Eve, representing the principle of masculinity as the opposite of femininity. On the other hand, the anima embodies the same principle as Eve, and the animus personifies Adam. Anima manifests itself most clearly in the active desire to bring new things into relationships. Representatives of this archetype choose a mate based on a combination of natural qualities and intellectual achievements. In the relationship between lovers, a balance is established between practicality and sensuality, sublime feelings and passion. We get