Entropion is the turning of the eyelid towards the eyeball. In this case, eyelashes can injure the conjunctiva of the eye and cause irritation (see Trichiasis).
The most common type of entropion is spastic entropion of the lower eyelid, which occurs as a result of spasm of the orbicularis oculi muscle.
Entropion can also develop as a result of cicatricial changes in the membrane lining the eyelid (conjunctiva).
Entropion is a condition in which the eyelid rolls inward toward the eyeball, causing irritation and discomfort. This disorder can cause damage to the conjunctiva of the eye, as well as other vision problems.
The most common form of entropion is spastic entropion of the lower eyelid. It occurs as a result of spasm of the orbicularis oculi muscle. This type of entropion can also be caused by other factors, such as prolonged contact lens wear or damage from injury.
Scar changes in the membrane lining the eyelid (conjunctiva) can also lead to the development of entropion. In this case, scars reduce the elasticity of tissues, which leads to their contraction and inversion.
Symptoms of entropion may include a feeling of irritation and redness in the eye, watery eyes, a gritty feeling in the eye, and frequent eye infections. Delayed treatment can lead to serious vision problems such as corneal damage.
Treatment for entropion may include the use of special corrective lenses or medication. In some cases, surgery may be required to correct entropion.
Overall, entropion is a serious disorder that can lead to serious problems with vision and eye health. However, prompt medical attention and treatment can help prevent these problems and keep your eyes healthy.
Entropion is the turning of the eyelids towards the inner edge. A condition in which eyelashes injure the conjunctiva.
The most common variant of entropy is considered to be a spastic form - a condition caused by a spasm of the smooth muscles of the eye, leading to the rolling of the eyelids.
In some cases, inflammation develops with spastic form or cicatricial changes in the conjunctiva. Then not only a spasm occurs, but also severe pain and redness. Requires urgent treatment by an ophthalmologist.
The danger of the disease is associated with the possibility of rupture of Descemet's membrane or cornea. This leads to a significant decrease in visual acuity or complete loss of vision. Children are especially dangerous as they are the most vulnerable to injury. With the scar form, the opposite situation is sometimes observed - the impossibility of retracting the upper eyelid. This happens either due to complete immobility of tissues after inflammation, or as compensation for spa
Entropy, or entropion, is one of the most common diseases of the eyelids and outer eye membrane, usually affecting the lower, less often the medial or upper segments of both eyes. Entropy is the inversion performed by the orbicularis oculi muscle, which closes it. The longitudinal axis of the eyeball is curved inward. The closure system closes excessively, and the eye does not receive the required amount of oxygen, and then blepharospasm develops - a prolonged tonic spasm of the orbicularis oculi muscle, which tightens the lower eyelid.
**Treatment** Conservative treatment is used in adults. The basis of conservative treatment is surgical excision of blepharochalasis or scars, strengthening collagen