Use of One Hand Preferentially (Handedness)

Preferential use of one hand (handedness) is the preferential use of one hand compared to the other during the performance of various actions. The ability to use both hands equally in the process of performing any activity - ambidexterity - is extremely rare in people. Approximately 90% of people are right-handed, which corresponds to better development of the half of the brain that is responsible for speech development: in 97% of right-handers, the left hemisphere of the brain is dominant in speech development, while in 60% of left-handers, the right hemisphere of the brain is dominant in speech development .

Preferential use of one hand over the other during various activities is a common phenomenon among people. Most people have a clear preference for using their right or left hand, which is called right-handedness or left-handedness, respectively. The ability to use both hands equally during an activity, known as ambidexterity, is extremely rare in humans.

It is interesting to note that approximately 90% of people are right-handed, which is associated with better development of the left half of the brain, which is responsible for speech development. In 97% of right-handers, the left hemisphere of the brain is dominant in the development of speech. This means that for most right-handers, the left hemisphere plays an important role in speech functions such as language processing and communication.

In contrast, left-handers typically exhibit right-hemisphere dominance in language development. In approximately 60% of left-handers, the right hemisphere performs the main functions associated with speech. This distribution of dominant hemispheres is associated with the organization of the nervous system and genetic factors.

However, the question of the causes of right-handedness and left-handedness remains open. Some studies point to the influence of genetic factors that may determine preference for a particular hand in everyday activities. However, the precise mechanisms underlying the development of predominant use of one hand have yet to be fully revealed.

Using one hand is an important aspect in people's daily lives. It influences the choice of tools and work techniques, and can also influence the development of various skills and abilities. Some professions, such as surgery or music, require high motor dexterity and precision, and may involve a certain type of leadership.

In conclusion, predominant use of one hand is common in the human population. Right-handedness and left-handedness are determined by the peculiarities of the development of the brain and nervous system. Studying this phenomenon allows us to better understand the functioning of the human brain and its connection with the performance of various tasks and activities.

Preferential use of one hand (handedness) is the ability of a person to use one hand to perform certain actions more often and better than the other. In a normal person, one hand is usually better developed than the other, and this can have serious consequences, for example, when playing chess. Because right-handed people use only their right hand, they may have a preference for activities that involve left-hand manipulation, such as writing, talking on the phone, playing tennis or golf. However, for left-handed people the opposite is true. It's important to know this trait so you can recognize it and perform related tasks more effectively. Also required