
Anisocytosis is a significant difference in the size of red blood cells in the same person.

Anisocytosis is detected by microscopic examination of a blood smear, which may reveal cells of various sizes.

Anisocytosis is a characteristic symptom of most blood diseases. With anisocytosis, both increased red blood cells (macrocytes) and decreased ones (microcytes) are present in the blood.

The reasons for the development of anisocytosis can be very different:

  1. Vitamin deficiency (folic acid, vitamin B12)

  2. Bone marrow lesions

  3. Genetic disorders (thalassemia)

  4. Taking certain medications

  5. Malignant neoplasms

Diagnosis of anisocytosis is based on analysis of the clinical picture and laboratory blood parameters. Additional testing may be needed to determine the cause of anisocytosis.

Treatment of anisocytosis consists of treating the underlying disease that caused this condition. The prognosis for anisocytosis depends on the severity of hematological disorders and the effectiveness of therapy. With timely treatment, the symptoms of anisocytosis may completely disappear.

Anisocytosis is a significant difference in the size of red blood cells in the same person. Anisocytosis is detected by microscopic examination of a blood smear, which may reveal cells of various sizes. Anisocytosis is a characteristic symptom of most blood diseases.

With anisocytosis, both large red blood cells (macrocytes) and small ones (microcytes) are present in the blood. The presence of red blood cells of abnormal sizes indicates a violation of their maturation and may indicate various pathological conditions.

The causes of anisocytosis include deficiency of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid, hemolytic anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, leukemia and other diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Anisocytosis is often combined with other changes in the blood picture, such as poikilocytosis and anisochromia. To establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, a comprehensive examination of the patient is necessary. Timely diagnosis and treatment of anisocytosis can prevent the development of complications and improve the prognosis of the disease.

Anisocytes are blood cells - red blood cells of various sizes. On average, this is 2-4% of the total number of red blood cells. If this ratio is more than 6%, then it is necessary to diagnose anisocytotic conditions or various anemias. For example, macrocytic tanychymaphilopsia, or megaloblastic anemia with pernicious anemia and others. The presence of anisocytes in smaller numbers is much less common and most often indicates congenital disorders of the synthesis or breakdown of hemoglobin, as in hemolytic anemia, microspherocytosis, acanthocytes.