Fragments and plates of bone remaining in a healed wound

It is best not to rush to remove them and leave it to nature, helping it. Help lies in carefully extracting what is expelled by nature, without accelerating the period and without moving the fragments with drugs or the action of the hand, because extraction by force will inevitably create fistulous ulcers. And when nature pushes the debris towards the skin and they begin to come out, separated from the tissues, they are removed and the wound is healed. They do the same with scraps of records, which should separate on their own. If you hurry and remove them by force, this creates the danger of spasms, clouding of the mind and fever; if such wounds fester, this will not cause much harm. But if you want to know the medicines for this, then one of them - a medicine of this kind is taken from old olive oil, yellow wax and mud from the hives, and there should be as much of both together as the oil, then they are dissolved, then they take one part of furbiyun , one part of the milky juice of Yattu and three parts of Aristolochia, and from all this they prepare something like a wax ointment.

Another medicine. They also take ushshaka and bdellia, moisten them in iris oil, bind it all into a plaster by rubbing and apply it to the wound. This is one of the medicines that removes bones with great speed.