Mention of good signs

Good signs are endurance during illness, constancy of strength and appearance, even if the symptoms of the disease are sharp, strength, power and orderliness of the pulse, the appearance of signs of maturity, the beneficence of the crisis, good signs of it, the relief that comes after evacuation, the accompanying change in pulse in good side. The appearance of goose bumps after a bowel movement is also a good sign, as it indicates the cessation of heat and then, after the matter is removed, a feeling of cold appears. It is best if the emptying of harmful juice occurs freely and correctly.

Know that stability of strength gives reason for hope even in the face of bad signs; it also inspires hope and maintaining clarity of mind, good breathing and the fact that the patient can easily endure the terrible, unusual phenomena that befall him; feeling relieved after sleep is also a good sign.

Favorable symptoms include moderate appetite, good digestion of food and the fact that nutrition helps, strengthens and benefits the patient. Easy, free breathing is also a good sign. Excellent signs also include the natural appearance of the patient, a natural position when lying down, good sleep and equal distribution of heat throughout all parts of the body.

Know that good signs with a good state of strength indicate a rapid recovery, and with weakness of strength they indicate a slow recovery.