Anopheles minimus is a species of mosquito belonging to the genus Anopheles. It is a vector of malaria pathogens in Southeast Asia.
Some key facts about An. minimus:
An. minimus is a small to medium-sized mosquito, with a body length of 2-3 mm. It has distinguishing black and white markings on its wings and legs.
This species is widespread across mainland Southeast Asia, including countries like Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Myanmar. It occupies forested, hilly areas up to 1,300 meters above sea level.
An. minimus primarily breeds in slow-moving streams and seepages in shaded forests. The larvae attach themselves to aquatic vegetation.
It is an important vector of malaria in its endemic range, transmitting Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax parasites. It is considered a principal vector in forested malaria foci.
An. minimus is strongly anthropophilic, preferring to feed on humans, even in the presence of cattle. It bites primarily outdoors and during sleeping hours.
Vector control methods like insecticide-treated bed nets and indoor residual spraying are important to reduce transmission of malaria by An. minimus. Its exophilic tendencies can make it evade indoor interventions.
In summary, Anopheles minimus is a forest-dwelling mosquito species that serves as a major vector of human malaria parasites in Southeast Asia due to its strong preference for human blood meals. Understanding its bionomics is key to targeting malaria control efforts.
**Anopheles minimus** - это вид кровяного жучка, который также называют "комар-кровососец". Этот вид комаров относится к семейству Анофелидес (Anopheleidae), которое считается одним из самых крупных семейств среди всех насекомых.
Вид Anopheles minimas является промежуточным хозяином и переносчиком возбудителя малярии Plasmodium, и следовательно, он играет важную роль в распространении малярии. В Юго-Восточной Азии он является основным источником заражения для человека.
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