Anthropometer Easel Horizontal

A horizontal easel anthropometer is a device that is used to measure the length of a person’s body in a lying position, which is an important parameter in determining a person’s height and constitution. This device is a piece of medical equipment and is used in a variety of fields, including sports medicine, nutritional science, and anthropological research.

An anthropometer is a metal frame on which measuring instruments are attached. It can be installed on the floor or on a special stand. Two vertical posts are attached to the frame, on which vertical measuring bars are located. These bars contain scales that are used to measure the distance from the floor to the top of the body.

To measure the body length of a lying person, the person must lie on a horizontal surface and place his head and legs on the corresponding measuring bars. Then the anthropometer operator fixes the body in this position and measures the distance between the bars using special devices.

The accuracy of measuring body length using a horizontal easel anthropometer depends on the accuracy of the instruments used and the correct installation of the body on a horizontal surface. Overall, this measurement method is quite accurate and can be used to determine a person's height and constitution.

It is important to note that certain safety rules must be followed when using an anthropometer. The operator must be trained in the correct use of the device and know the safety precautions when working with it. It is also necessary to ensure that the measuring instruments are clean and in good working order.

**Horizontal type easel anthropometer** is a device that is used to measure height and other parameters of the human body. This instrument is an important tool in medical practice as it allows you to assess the physical condition of the patient. In this article we will look at the main characteristics of a horizontal easel anthropometer, its use and areas of application.

*Vertical anthropometer* is designed to determine height. The appearance looks like a pen with a scale on which divisions are applied. To take measurements, you need to turn a special handle and secure it under the shoulder or back of the head. Next, you need to stand on the measuring bar, and the arrow will show your height. The result can be from 80 cm to 1.90 m. The height value for medical purposes must be shown with an accuracy of 5 mm. **Horizontal anthropometer** is used if measurements are taken while lying down, for example, when creating differential degrees of physical development. Usually in pediatric practice, horizontal measurements are taken of newborns, since their body is much longer than that of adults. It consists of a light stand with a metal base, an arrow that can move along it, and a rod. Using a ruler. The length of the anthropometer rod is 120 cm, width – 7 cm. The pointer moves along the scale using a lever. You can measure your body from head to toe. Indications: from birth to one year - height on average 55 cm, one-year-old children - up to 63 cm, preschoolers (4 years old) - up to 98 cm. In this article we reviewed the description of the horizontal anthropometer and its main characteristics. Thanks to its precision and ease of use, this tool has become an integral part of both