Pyelography Retrograde

Retrograde pyelography is a method of x-ray examination of the kidneys and urinary tract in which a contrast agent is injected into the bladder and then passes retrogradely through the ureters and kidneys, allowing a clear image of the urinary tract to be obtained.

The retrograde pyelography method was developed in the 1940s and is widely used in urology for the diagnosis of various diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys, such as urolithiasis, tumors, infections, etc.

To perform retrograde pyelography, the patient is injected intravenously with a contrast agent, which is then injected into the bladder through a catheter. After filling the bladder with contrast material, the catheter is removed and the contrast begins to flow back into the kidneys and urinary tract. As the contrast agent passes through the urinary tract, X-rays produce clear images of the ureters and kidneys.

Retrograde pyelography allows you to assess the condition of the ureters, kidneys, urinary tract, as well as identify the presence of stones, tumors, infections and other pathological changes. The method is safe and painless, and the results of retrograde pyelography can be used to make a diagnosis and plan treatment.

However, retrograde pyelography may have some risks, such as allergic reactions to the contrast agent or damage to the urinary tract if the procedure is performed incorrectly. Therefore, before performing pyelography, it is necessary to conduct a full examination and consult with a doctor.

Pyelogram or x-ray kymography is a visual diagnostic method that allows one to determine the presence and degree of stricture of the urethroperitoneal segments of the upper urinary tract in patients suffering from urolithiasis. There are many different approaches

An article entitled “Retrograde pyelogram” was published in the journal “Russian Medical Bulletin” No. 19 April 2018.

For a period of 2-3 weeks before pregnancy, it is recommended to prevent STIs (sexually transmitted infections) and cure inflammatory diseases of the pelvic and abdominal organs. Intimate activities should be limited