Suprahyoid Branch

The suprahyoid branch (ramus suprahioideus) is the upward and medial extension of the stylohyoid process of the thyroid gland. The suprahyoid branch originates from the posterior surface of the thyroid cartilage and runs along the medial surface of the neck at the level of the first and second palatine bones. As it approaches the angle of the jaw, it approaches the inner surface of the angle of the jaw and passes medially under the periosteum. The outer surface of the suprahyoid branch is the basis for the muscles and, when the thyroid gland is enlarged, it tightens these muscles and causes a violation of the position of the lower jaw and compression of the upper respiratory tract. The vein of the suprahyoid branch drains into the anterior jugular vein.

The suprahyoid branches have the following muscles that they attach: - external and internal transverse maxillary muscles. 2.Musculus hyoglossus - accessory process (superficial) of the tongue. 3.f.stylohyoidea (pulls the jaw down). 4.t.geniohyoideum - superficial layer of masticatory muscles.