
Modern working conditions differ significantly from those that existed before the invention of electricity and the advent of power plants for operating transport. In this regard, the ever-increasing requirements for human performance in any living conditions are becoming more and more relevant. For modern living conditions, characterized by a complex combination of active noise, industrial and domestic, it is necessary to create a variety of technical means to compensate for the negative impact of noise. As noise loads in the acoustic parameters of work premises, which determine the background and level of workplaces, grow, the need for effective means of rehabilitation grows exponentially. In addition to these acoustic parameters, which require comprehensive research and development, it is important to create many new medicinal, therapeutic, preventive and hygienic means of protection. Unfortunately, the world is steadily moving along the path of increasing work intensity and, as a result, decreasing performance: the psychological factor of fatigue is becoming one of the main obstacles preventing people from successfully coping with their professional responsibilities. A special place in this regard is occupied by eye fatigue: for developers this is the most