Antigen Homologous

Introduction Antigens are substances that stimulate the immune system and cause the formation of antibodies, that is, they form the body’s immune response. One of the most common types of antigens are homologous antigens (or homoantigens). In this article we will look at what antigens and homologous antigen are and what functions they perform.

What are antigens? Homologous antigens are body tissues that have the protein structure of different molecules. Antigens can be of two types: 1. T-lymphocytes - proteins on the surface of which there are special proteins of antigenic origin and serve as regulators of the immune system. 2. Macrophages are cells that absorb foreign bacteria, as well as cells that synthesize components of the body’s immune system. An antigen, in turn, is a protein particle that can trigger a reaction from the human immune system. As a result of the interaction of antigens with antibodies, complexes called immune complexes arise, leading to the development of diseases such as blood diseases, arthritis and oncology. Classification of antigens According to the method of obtaining the antigen, they are divided into toxoids and haptens, and this classification does not include bacterial antigens. Toxoids include