Antinuclear Factor

Antinuclear factor

Antinuclear factor (ANF) is an autoantibody that reacts with various antigens in the cell nucleus. ANF ​​is often found in patients with autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, mixed connective tissue disease, scleroderma, etc.

ANF ​​binds to proteins of the cell nucleus and gives a characteristic picture in an immunofluorescence study - a bright glow of the nucleus. This property of ANF is used to identify it for diagnostic purposes.

An increase in ANF titer is observed in approximately 95% of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Therefore, ANF is often called “lupus factor.” However, a positive test for ANF in itself is not a diagnostic criterion, but only indicates the likelihood of an autoimmune process.

To confirm the diagnosis, a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination is necessary. However, ANF determination is widely used to screen for rheumatic diseases and monitor their activity.

Antinuclear (lupus) factor (ANF; ANF - antiflavium, synonym: lupus autoimmune factor, lupus autoimmunica factorum) - immunoglobulins E and antibodies against the nuclei of any tissue. In healthy people, values ​​on average range from 0 to 32 IU/ml. A high titer (32−160 IU/l) indicates a chronic disease and more than 40% of positive reactions to ANF are attributed to SLE [2].

How it manifests itself: it may not manifest itself at all or give positive sensations on the upper lip, in the elbow joints. If symptoms are accompanied by fever, headache, loss of appetite, skin rash and general malaise, you should consult a doctor. In the analysis for autoantibodies to DNA, the following autoantibodies may be elevated: - IgM or IgG class antibodies to single-stranded DNA (dsDNA) - IgA, IgM, and IgG class antibodies to double-stranded DNA If you have such symptoms, I recommend contacting a hematologist, therapist, allergist - immunologist or rheumatologist to diagnose the disease. When ordering laboratory tests, you must indicate the reference values ​​of the laboratory where the tests are performed.