
Antitobacco: homeopathic anti-smoking remedy

Smoking is one of the most common bad habits, which can cause many diseases, lead to a deterioration in the quality of life and even a reduction in its duration. Despite this, many smokers are unable or unwilling to quit. In such cases, the homeopathic remedy Antitobacco can become a useful assistant in the fight against tobacco addiction.

Antitobacco is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Gomeofarm and is in the form of homeopathic granules in 20 gram bottles. It contains a number of homeopathic ingredients including Daphne Indica 3 C, Gelsemin 3 C, Caladium 3 C, Plantago 3 C and Tabacum 3/30 C.

Indications for the use of Antitobacco include tobacco addiction, a conscious desire to quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, as well as cleansing the body of smoking products, removing the toxic effects and consequences of smoking on the body.

No contraindications to the use of Antitobacco have been identified, and no side effects or interactions with other medications have been described. Overdose has also not been described.

However, for those who do not want or cannot quit smoking, but suffer from this addiction, taking Antitobacco can reduce the toxic effect of smoking products on the body. In more complex cases, it is good to combine Antitobacco with Narcosan. When coughing, you can additionally use Antussin. Therapy can be supplemented with homeophytotherapy preparations, such as Avena, Calamus and Oregano.

Overall, Antitobacco is a safe and effective homeopathic anti-smoking remedy. However, it should be remembered that the best way to combat tobacco addiction is to completely stop smoking. Medications can help with this process, but should only be used as directed by a doctor.