Anti-aging facial peeling

Is it possible to lose ten years with peeling? Yes, but not all types are equally effective. We will tell you which procedure is suitable for skin rejuvenation.

  1. What is anti-aging peeling
  2. Varieties by depth of impact
  3. Choosing a technique for an anti-aging procedure
  4. Is it possible to do anti-aging peeling at home?
  5. Review of anti-aging peeling products

What is anti-aging peeling

Frankly speaking, any peeling is rejuvenating, because this procedure forces the skin to replace old cells with new ones. Naturally, young and fresh looks better than old and dull. But among the huge number of types of peeling, there are several options that are especially good for aging skin. That is, among other things, they have a lifting effect.

Varieties by depth of impact

Aging skin, marked by wrinkles and age spots, which has lost elasticity and tone, needs a fairly deep effect - a course of medium peels that act on living cells, and not on dead skin scales.

Exfoliating, like peeling an apple, removes a layer of damaged cells from the skin. © Getty Images

Peeling, which gives a pronounced result, requires some sacrifices.

Provides for a recovery period. You may have to take a couple of days off from work.

For post-peeling care, you need to stock up on special products.

However, the success of the event depends not only on the depth of impact, but also on the selected peeling agent.

As for deep peels, they are unpopular nowadays due to increased trauma, a large number of side effects and risks. They are being successfully replaced by more delicate techniques.

Choosing a technique for an anti-aging procedure

Modern cosmetology offers several procedures that are carried out in beauty salons or clinics.

Glycolic peeling

The most popular peeling, which is used for any problem. If you don’t like something about the condition of your skin, we sign up for a glycolic peel. Glycolic acid received this recognition well deservedly. It perfectly renews the skin and eliminates imperfections, making it smooth, radiant, and moisturized.

The most surprising thing is that glycolic acid indirectly stimulates the production of collagen, that is, it affects the skin framework, restoring its elasticity and density. That’s why glycolic peeling is called “remodeling.”

Peeling with trichloroacetic acid

Classic medium peeling. Trichloroacetic acid is considered the best for deep penetration into the skin. It causes noticeable damage and large-plate peeling - a few days after the procedure, crusts form on the face and the skin begins to peel off. Yes, this is not the most pleasant period to endure. The main thing is not to tear off the scabs, do not touch them and let the skin get rid of them on its own.

Peeling with trichloroacetic acid causes large-plate peeling. © Getty Images

Patience will be rewarded - the skin will become radiant, smooth and tightened after the first procedure. Perhaps this will be the end of the matter. But for deep wrinkles (as well as post-acne), the middle peeling needs to be repeated.

Retinol (retinoic) peeling

Laser photothermolysis

This is fractional laser peeling, which at one time made a revolution in hardware cosmetology. The effect is very close to the result of medium peeling, although the principle of action is different. It is not the chemical agent that damages the skin, but the laser. It is evenly “stitched” with thousands of laser microneedles at a strictly specified depth. Due to the fact that living, untouched tissue remains between the damaged areas, the skin is restored quickly enough, without undesirable consequences.

Laser photothermolysis has successfully replaced traumatic laser resurfacing, and acid peeling has made people move © Getty Images

Peeling cannot be avoided, as well as redness and swelling (with sufficiently deep exposure). But the result is amazing.

Is it possible to do anti-aging peeling at home?

The assortment of cosmetic brands includes formulas containing acids: fruit, salicylic, LHA, and retinol. Use them according to instructions. Lotions, night creams and concentrates - there are enough options, and they give an excellent effect for home cosmetics.

But we do not recommend pretending to be a cosmetologist and applying compositions that professionals work with on your face. Is it dangerous.

Without special skills, you can provoke contact dermatitis even with a minimal concentration of acids in the composition,” warns Elena Eliseeva, Vichy expert.

Review of anti-aging peeling products

In our selection we included skin renewing products with acids and retinol.

Two-phase peeling Visionnaire Crescendo, Lancôme

The effect is close to “professional” products. First, it prepares the skin through the action of fruit acids in a small concentration, and then more actively exfoliates it with the help of glycolic (9.5%) and salicylic acids.

Night two-phase peeling concentrate for skin transformation Absolue Precious Cells Rose Drop, Lancôme

Glycolic acid is combined with rose extract to gently renew the skin.

Nightly micro-peeling that accelerates skin renewal, Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate, Kiehl’s

Quinoa husk and a set of fruit acids gradually renew the skin. As a result, the skin changes for the better. The serum is recommended to be used before the night cream, and in the morning it is necessary to apply sunscreen.

Night cream that stimulates cell renewal and revives radiance, Glycolic 10 Renew Overnight, SkinCeuticals

Glycolic acid (10%) stimulates skin renewal with very pleasant consequences in the form of smooth, radiant skin. Soothing components prevent an undesirable reaction to acid.

Highly effective night care cream with retinol Retinol 0.3, SkinCeuticals

An example of a home remedy with a high concentration of retinol (0.3%) - enough to transform the skin: even out complexion, reduce wrinkles, smooth out texture. We recommend using the product once every 3 days, and then every other day.

Any skin, regardless of type and age, needs regular cleansing. During the day, many microparticles accumulate on the surface of the face - these are cosmetics, dust, toxins, chemical elements floating in the air.

All these components form plugs that clog the pores, provoking the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. They contribute to the formation of inflammatory processes, causing pimples, acne, comedones, and rashes of various types.

Facial skin, deprived of regular proper cleansing, quickly loses its natural beauty, becomes flabby, saggy, dehydrated, dull, and wrinkled.

Facial skin care has become easier thanks to modern products and methods. One of the most popular cosmetic procedures is anti-aging peeling.

How it works

Peeling is a procedure, with the help of which the upper layers of the epidermis are removed, and the process of renewal of skin cells is activated in the body.

During cell regeneration, the following changes occur in the skin:

  1. the surface is smoothed;
  2. irregularities, roughness, small wrinkles disappear;
  3. color and texture are significantly refreshed;
  4. the process of increased production of collagen and elastin starts, the skin becomes elastic, and the contour appears more clearly;
  5. Certain types of peelings eliminate seasonal and age-related pigmentation, whiten the skin, reduce scars, scars, acne and pimples.

Conventionally, all peelings are divided according to the method and depth of impact.

Method of influence:

  1. Chemical. Acid concentrates (fruit, lactic, salicylic) are used to cleanse the face. During treatment, the skin receives a controlled burn of varying degrees; it depends on the depth of penetration.
  2. Mechanical. It is carried out using abrasive particles of natural or artificial origin. The epidermis can be mechanically affected in more gentle ways, for example, with a film mask. After application to the surface of the face, it penetrates shallowly into the pores and hardens, and when removed, it is removed along with the keratinized particles adhering to it.
  3. Hardware. The cleansing procedure is carried out using special cosmetology devices (ultrasound, laser, natural brushes).

Types and purposes of rejuvenating and anti-aging peels for facial skin (including mature skin, anti-wrinkle):

Impact depth:

  1. Surface. Affects only the very top layer of the epidermis and is a gentle manipulation. Recommended for minor skin changes at a young age. The effect is barely noticeable. It does not fall into the category of anti-aging procedures.
  2. Median. It affects the entire epidermis, affects part of the dermis, and reaches the basement membrane. Recommended for significant skin changes. The effect is very bright, visually noticeable immediately.
  3. Deep. The most severe, aggressive type of cleaning. It is performed under general anesthesia. The rehabilitation period is six months. The most effective rejuvenation procedure.

Modern peelings have so many types and nuances in their purpose that it is problematic to figure out which peeling is best for rejuvenation for women. Many people begin to think about this issue after 25 years. But it is better to have an idea about the features of popular peelings so as not to become a victim of an unprofessional cosmetologist.

Anti-aging peelings for 25-35 years old

25 years is that insidious milestone after which many still young women begin to notice the first signs of the times on their faces. Fine lines around the eyes and lips, on the bridge of the nose and forehead form facial wrinkles, exposure to the sun or tanning in a solarium turns into pigment spots, the skin becomes thicker and begins to lose elasticity. Cosmetologists classify age-related changes in the face and décolleté in women aged 25-35 as the initial stage of fading.

Depending on the condition and type of skin, as well as the severity of age marks on the face, it is optimal for rejuvenation during this period to choose superficial peels (mechanical, chemical, physical). In this case, the upper layer of keratinized epidermal cells is exposed - cosmetics or laser beams do not penetrate the skin too deeply.

Superficial facial peeling helps smooth out the folds of facial wrinkles, get rid of acne, pigmentation, cleanse and tighten enlarged pores, and also prepare the skin for the next cosmetic procedures. Superficial exfoliation methods make it possible to cheat time and restore youth to the face due to the fact that after them the first skin defects become barely noticeable, its light reflectivity and microrelief visually improve.

Cosmetologists answer women’s questions about which peelings will be best for rejuvenation at this age, recommending that they pay attention to the following types of hardware and chemical exfoliation:

  1. Fractional laser peeling, the targeted effect of which affects only problem areas. The laser beam removes dead epidermal cells, thereby accelerating metabolic processes and collagen production. This safe and highly effective technique helps get rid of a network of wrinkles and significantly promotes rejuvenation;
  2. dermabrasion is a mechanical grinding of the skin with special rotating brushes, which allows you to remove a layer of keratinized epidermal cells. The depth of fine wrinkles is reduced, natural skin regeneration leads to their smoothing;
  3. microcrystalline dermabrasion (microdermabrasion) is a hardware resurfacing that is recommended for people who are prone to allergies to chemicals. With this procedure, the texture of the skin is improved under the pressure of microparticles of aluminum oxide or diamond powder;
  4. superficial chemical peels that cause a slight cosmetic “burn” of the dermis with glycolic, retinoic, azelaic and other acids. This stimulation of the skin's production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid leads to its natural rejuvenation.

Benefits of superficial facial peeling

Superficial exfoliation is valued and recommended by cosmetologists mainly because it can be used repeatedly to rejuvenate women's skin without serious and irreversible consequences. This type of peeling does not destroy healthy epidermal cells, but only stimulates their natural ability to regenerate. And although the result from superficial peeling will not be as long as from a medium or deep procedure, this method of rejuvenation can be repeated regularly, thereby slowing down the aging process of the skin.

Typically, cosmetologists include superficial peeling for rejuvenation in a mandatory combined skin care program that has both subtle and irreversible signs of aging. In the first case, it is recommended to carry out it 1 maximum 2 times a year, in the second – monthly.

Skin restoration after superficial peeling is quick and easy. In just a couple of days, a woman can return to her usual lifestyle, while avoiding direct sunlight. Peeling of the skin goes away gradually and can be corrected without problems with moisturizing creams and decorative cosmetics.

Anti-aging peelings for 35-45 years old

The second stage of skin aging is reflected in the mirror by noticeable facial wrinkles that do not go away even in a calm state. Facial skin may have uneven tone, age spots, spider veins and bright pink threads of capillaries. The sun becomes one of the worst enemies that best emphasizes age.

By the age of 40, prolongation of skin youth is possible only thanks to superficial-medium or completely medium peels (chemical, physical), supplemented by deep moisturizing. These types of peels first work within the epidermis and then affect the upper layer of the dermis. The implementation of such procedures can only be entrusted to an experienced specialist, because their main goal is to activate the internal processes of renewal of the epidermal layer of the skin.

After medial exfoliation, a woman should have time for a recovery period after the procedures - approximately one or two weeks. It is better to stay at home for a while, because your facial skin will have an unattractive appearance. To achieve a noticeable rejuvenation effect, one-time exfoliation may not be enough. At this age, cosmetologists usually prescribe a course of therapy.

Now about how to choose peeling for rejuvenation after 35 years. For obvious age-related changes that can no longer be hidden with decorative cosmetics, the following are used:

  1. medium chemical peels, which also provoke a controlled “burn” of the epidermal layer. For this degree of skin aging, cosmetologists use salicylic or trichloroacetic acid. This good and proven method will smooth out deep wrinkles, reduce stretch marks and scars;
  2. Facial cleansing with a vacuum is a virtually painless hardware procedure in which various impurities are drawn out from open pores with a vacuum. At the same time, lymphatic drainage facial massage is performed, as a result of which the skin receives nutrition and oxygen. The process of natural rejuvenation starts;
  3. Laser peeling is perhaps the most effective way to beat time. Thin laser beams leave microscopic furrows on the face, the healing of which has a rejuvenating and lifting effect;
  4. Cryopilling is a universal superficial-median procedure for renewing the epidermal layer of skin for all ages. Its regeneration and subsequent rejuvenation during cryopilling occurs under the influence of liquid nitrogen.

Anti-aging peelings after 45 years

The last stage of skin aging is immediately noticeable to the naked eye: the face is covered with a network of fine and deep wrinkles, capillaries, spider veins, and dark age spots. The tone of dull skin is almost lost, it has a tired appearance. The onset of irreversible age-related changes after 40 years can be delayed as much as possible and at least visible rejuvenation can only be achieved with the help of deep peelings (chemical and physical). Removing the entire epidermal layer of skin requires patience, resistance to pain and time for the rehabilitation period from the patient, and high professionalism from the doctor.

Indications for deep peeling include senile wrinkles, scars, and age-related stretch marks. To correct these flaws and achieve an optimal aesthetic result, experts recommend methods such as:

  1. Laser resurfacing is characterized by very deep penetration of the laser light beam into the skin of the face. After several sessions of laser resurfacing, even severe age-related wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out, scars become almost invisible. This method produces a good visual effect;
  2. deep chemical peeling based on carbolic acid (phenol) is a rather painful, but at the same time effective method of rejuvenation for women even at 50 years old.

Features of medium and deep peels

You need to use the capabilities of medium and deep peels with caution - their frequent use, especially if the procedure destroys the basal layer of the dermis, leads to pathological changes in the skin. Natural aging will still continue, but with complications and according to a different program. For fans of these techniques, over time, wrinkles look like thick folds, and the face becomes like a rubber mask.

In addition, deep peels are more traumatic than, for example, superficial ones. Therefore, the decision on this method of rejuvenation must be made consciously, only in cases of real need, having previously assessed all possible sad consequences.

Contraindications for anti-aging peels

For all peelings, the purpose of which is to restore youth and beauty to the skin, the following contraindications are common:

  1. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. allergic reactions to components that make up cosmetic products or used in hardware techniques;
  3. increased body temperature;
  4. weakened immunity due to viral diseases;
  5. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  6. herpes rashes, boils, inflammation in the affected area.

Preparation for anti-aging peels

Some of the anti-aging peels require preliminary preparation. This is one of those cosmetic procedures that cannot be performed spontaneously. About two weeks before the planned peeling session, a woman should refrain from visiting the pool, sauna, or relaxing on the seaside. You should also avoid prolonged exposure to the sun or visiting a solarium. If exposure to ultraviolet radiation cannot be excluded, sunscreen with a minimum protection level of SPF 30 should be applied to the skin.

If there are local inflammations on the skin of the face, for example, relapses of acne, then you must first undergo anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy. If the purpose of peeling is not only rejuvenation, but also the elimination of pigmentation, a week before the procedure you need to start using a lightening cream.

Any pre-peeling preparation of the skin helps improve the results of the peeling itself and reduce the time for subsequent rehabilitation.

Of course, only a qualified cosmetologist can choose the most correct and effective method of rejuvenation for different skin types. After all, it is possible to assess the degree of negative influence of peeling, and, most importantly, its result, only after a thorough examination of the condition of the epidermis and the stage of its aging. Therefore, to choose the optimal technique and the number of repetitions, it is better to seek professional advice. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of unpredictable side effects and harmful consequences.