An anthropological type is a large group of people united by a common origin and common hereditary morphophysiological characteristics. These signs may include skin color, face shape, hair and other physical characteristics.
Anthropological types are divided into races - large groups of people who share common genetic traits and physical characteristics. For example, the Mongoloid race has narrower eyes, darker skin color and wavy hair.
Each race has its own characteristics and characteristics, but they are all united by a common origin. Anthropological types are an important tool for understanding the genetic relationships between people and for determining the origins and history of populations.
Anthropological typing is a science that studies the genetic and phenotypic predisposition of a particular person to a certain group of individuals with similar external and physical characteristics. Thus, the anthropological type gives an idea of the characteristic features of the individual’s body, as well as his race and nation.
Most people belong to a certain anthropo