
Spermatocelium or spermatocele (spermacele) is a rare disease associated with the formation of a closed sac around the seminal vesicles or a glandular accumulation in the wall of the bladder. This condition causes symptoms such as painful urge to urinate, urinary retention, and difficulty urinating.

At its core, a spermatocil is a cyst that is formed due to the accumulation of sperm in the cavity of the bladder or in the area of ​​the ureter. This sperm stagnation can occur as a result of various factors, such as increased sexual activity, dysfunction of the vas deferens, erectile dysfunction, injury or urinary tract infection.

Spermatocoelia can be caused by genetic factors or is a consequence of severe and long-term infertility treatment. In most cases, it manifests itself as chronic prostatitis or urethritis, followed by secondary changes in the genitourinary organs and reflux disorders.

Diagnosis of spermatocia depends on the stage of the disease and its severity. The main research method is ultrasound examination. To confirm the presence of this condition in the organ, the patient is referred for endocystoscopy and ultrasound. To identify the consequences of spermatosia, the condition of the testicles, prostate and kidneys is checked. If bleeding or infection is suspected, a smear is taken from the urethra to check for microorganisms and other pathogens.

Treatment for this problem involves removing the site of the cyst and normalizing urine drainage. To eliminate spermatocoelia, cytoscopic correction or surgical excision is used. The most effective method of eliminating a microball is removal surgery. The patient cannot do without constant use of antibiotics to prevent the development of inflammation. At home, you can alleviate a man’s condition by daily washing the genitals with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (5%), as well as frequent walks in the fresh air. It is also worth discussing with a urologist cases of excluding foods with a laxative effect from the diet, taking into account possible inflammatory processes.

Spermatocoelia, or spermatoceliosis, is a condition in which fluid begins to accumulate in the testicle or tubules in the epididymis, containing male cells - sperm in large quantities and unrealized protein. Spermatocoels often do not cause discomfort and do not affect sperm quality, therefore