
Theratus is a Greek word that means “monster” or “freak”. This is a very interesting word that is used in medicine and biology.

Teratogenic factors are environmental factors that can affect the development of the embryo or fetus. These factors can be chemical, physical or biological and can lead to the development of various birth defects.

For example, teratogenicity may be caused by fetal exposure to chemicals such as pesticides, heavy metals, or drugs. Teratogenic factors can also be radiation, viruses or bacteria.

The term “teratogenic” comes from the Greek word “teratos,” which means “ugly” or “monstrous.” The term “teratology” means the study of deformities and developmental defects in embryos and fetuses.

The study of teratology is of great importance for medicine and biology, as it allows us to better understand the causes and mechanisms of development of various birth defects, as well as to develop new methods of treatment and prevention. In addition, teratology can help develop new methods for diagnosing and treating diseases in adults.

In general, teratology is an important field of science that is of great practical importance for human health and the development of medicine.

Terata are rare multicellular organisms with some structural features. They are invertebrate animals that live in the ocean. From the history of life on Earth it is known that the ocean is the cradle of life. Life on the earth's surface arose only after the appearance of oxygen in the atmosphere, and the first forms of organisms could appear only in water. Close contact with water had a decisive influence on the evolution of genes that control the development of the organism. Obviously, development formed from an aquatic environment will be different from development formed from land. Aquatic habitats gave birth to the first sea creatures that inhabited the Earth billions of years ago. In those days, water was not structured in the same way as it is now, there were no biological viruses in it, and there was no dense aquatic biological film. It is for this reason that sea creatures, almost all of them, have developed gills and some other devices, such as horny appendages on the body. In fact, their modern descendants look exactly the same as they did millions of years ago, since such ancient forms can no longer be considered more variable. Thera are creatures that emerged approximately 3 billion years ago from a common ancestor with all other creatures. From them descended all marine life with some characteristic differences. It is interesting that evolution did not forget its ancestors; over time, the descendants were again overtaken by the loss of the gene pool, a threat arose that human society would inevitably fade away along with civilization, a decline in development would occur, the collapse of the world economy and the end of the progressive development of science and technology. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to remember and carefully preserve the achievements of our civilization, minimize the destructive consequences of human activity, and not let it become a thing of the past without a trace. This is our duty to future generations, nature and ourselves. Of course, it is impossible to convey to children the entire experience of generations without changing the specific history of our entire civilization. We live within history, because we ourselves relate to the history of mankind, we speak its language, we are able to change the usual vector of development, and therefore we consider ourselves part of it. In our civilization, knowledge is preserved about what future generations of people may be like; modern people continue to judge their past selves from the point of view of the future and the world that has not yet come. This is how we talk about tomorrow's events. We see the future without our help. Therefore, we approach it in order to form it, thereby influencing the formation of events and changes in the present. It must be remembered that the roots of any culture originate in the culture of the past. It is important to understand that we will not accept, not what we encounter today, what we use in everyday life. Studying the history of sciences, I sincerely think that its study should make a huge contribution to the development of education and science, making obvious the mistakes and successes of previous historical periods. Only the lessons of the past will allow us to understand the reasons for today's events. If we want to avoid repeating mistakes and the inexorable flow of the global crisis, we must go back and carefully look at what is happening below us, at what point in the historical trajectory the convergence will be maximum. The lessons of the past need to be used, not passing into the past too quickly. The present and the future must contain part of the past, the past,