Genital Tubercle

The genital tubercle is a structure that is located on the top of the pubic bone, between the pubic symphysis and the pubis. This is an important anatomical formation that is associated with sexual activity and reproductive functions. In this article we will look at what the genital tubercle is, its health significance and physical properties.

The genital tubercle is an anatomical formation that is a small bulge above the pubis. It has the shape of a hemisphere or kidney, approximately 2-3 cm in length and 1-2 cm in width. Since the genital tubercle is related to sexual life and sexual functions, it has received several names: male or female genital tubercle, male or female tubercle of the penis or clitoris, etc.

The genital tubercle is a small bulge on the pubis in women and men. It is one of many anatomical structures that surround the genitals and ensure their normal functioning. The genital tubercle is one of the most important organs of the reproductive system, since it is through it that sperm penetrate into the uterus.

The genital tubercle consists of skin, fat, muscles and blood vessels. Its surface is covered with hair or vegetation. However, it should be noted that not the entire tubercle is covered with hair, but only its upper part. The lower part of the tubercle has a smooth and soft structure.

In women, the genital tubercle is located just below the clitoris; in men, it is located to the left of the penis. The tubercle ensures comfortable penetration of the organ into a woman and its maintenance during sexual intercourse. In addition, when caressing the tubercle, a man may experience strong sensations.