Aorta Abdominal Short

Abdominal aorta short is one of the developmental anomalies of the aorta, which is characterized by the location of the bifurcation above the normal level. Normally, the aortic bifurcation is located at the level of the second lumbar vertebra, but with the short abdominal aorta it can be located above this level.

An X-ray examination can reveal that the bifurcation is located at the level of the I or even II lumbar vertebrae. This can lead to various health problems such as poor circulation, lower limb ischemia and others.

To treat the short abdominal aorta, various methods can be used, including surgery, which is aimed at correcting the anomaly and improving blood flow. However, the choice of treatment method depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the anomaly.

Abdominal aorta is an anomaly of the location of the aorta, which is characterized by the location of its apex significantly above the natural level and is usually observed in newborns. This can lead to various complications, including circulatory problems, respiratory problems and neurological defects. Most people with this abnormality survive and develop normally, but they may require special medical supervision.

The abdominal aorta is located in the front of the abdomen - from the lower border of the xiphoid process to the navel. Its diameter is about 25 mm, the heart is located behind it. It is part of the circulatory system and ensures blood flow to all organs of the abdominal cavity and thoracic region.

Examination and treatment

To diagnose the abdominal aorta, you need to do a detailed x-ray examination. It makes it possible to detect such an anomaly in the absence of other symptoms of this disease in young people. For a routine examination of the abdominal organs, the patient may be advised to:

Ultrasound Doppler examination of the BCA and aorta (Doppler ultrasound examination of the brachiocephalic arteries and aorta); CT and MRI of the brain. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the following is prescribed: - observation by a cardiologist and other doctors; - compliance with the physical activity and diet regime, recommendations of specialists; - taking medications.