Aortitis Embolic

Embolic aortitis is an inflammation of the aorta caused by embolism (blockage of a vessel by an embolus).


The main reason for the development of embolic aortitis is the entry into the lumen of the aorta of an embolus - a particle of a blood clot or some foreign body that clogs the vessel and disrupts blood flow. Emboli can form when:

  1. Infective endocarditis (inflammation of the inner lining of the heart)

  2. Atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat)

  3. Coronary heart disease

  4. Deep vein thrombosis


The main symptoms of embolic aortitis:

  1. Sharp pain in the chest or abdomen

  2. Increased body temperature

  3. Shortness of breath, rapid breathing

  4. Dizziness, weakness

  5. Paleness and cold sweat

  6. Absence of pulsation in the arteries below the embolism site

  7. Loss of sensation and movement in the legs


The diagnosis of embolic aortitis is made on the basis of complaints, physical examination and instrumental examination methods:

  1. ECG, EchoCG

  2. Angiography of the aorta

  3. CT or MRI of the abdomen


Treatment for embolic aortitis includes:

  1. Emergency surgery to remove an embolus

  2. Thrombolytic therapy to restore blood flow

  3. Antibiotics to treat secondary infections

  4. Anticoagulants to prevent new blood clots from forming

It is important to begin treatment as quickly as possible to avoid the development of tissue necrosis and disability of the patient. The prognosis with timely treatment is favorable.