Aortitis Purulent

1) Definition To understand the essence of the concept of “purulent aortitis,” it is necessary to study the anatomy of the aorta. This is the name of a rounded artery about three centimeters in length, which runs along the entire length of the body and has a thickness of 3 millimeters. It is located on the left side of the body. The passage is in the area between the heart and the bottom of the ribs. Function is to deliver blood to organs and tissues. If there is a problem in this artery, the pressure increases and cardiovascular disease can develop. The main feature of the aorta is that it has no valves, so blood flow does not stop. Thanks to this, timely delivery of the required amount of blood to the internal organs occurs.

2) Causes of the disease In addition to all of the above, adverse changes are also possible, leading to dangerous problems with the health of the entire body:

Diseases of the bone frame; Purulent inflammation; Infections of various types; Allergy; Wounds and fractures; Poisoning and intoxication. Many of these causes infections in children. A special place among them is occupied by salmonellosis, foci of inflammation in the bronchi and lungs. Basically, they lead to the appearance of purulent diseases and damage to other internal organs. All this happens due to the already mentioned features of the aorta: * without valves; * undamaged blood circulation.