Carter-Robbins Test

The Carter-Robbins Test is a test to determine a person's stress and anxiety levels. This test was developed in the 1960s by American physician James Robbins and his colleague Carter.

The test is carried out as follows: the patient is asked to complete several tasks that can cause anxiety and stress. For example, a task may involve the need to remember something or answer questions. After completing each task, the patient must rate his anxiety level on a scale from 0 to 100.

The Carter-Robbins Test is one of the most widely used stress and anxiety tests in the world. It is used in various fields such as medicine, psychology, education and business. The test assesses people's stress levels, which can help identify the causes of anxiety and develop strategies to reduce it.

In conclusion, the Carter-Robbins Test is a simple and effective test for determining stress and anxiety levels in people. It is widely used in various areas of life and can help people better understand and manage their emotions.

Application areas of the sample

The procedures will be performed by doctors or nurses with higher education. Among the responsibilities:

1. examination of the patient with collection of anamnesis and related information. The examination should last about 3 minutes, after which the patient goes to the treatment room; 2. assessment of general condition. Starts with careful study

Carter-Robbins test Carter-Robbins test (K.-R. test). (historical; a. Carter, modern, doctor; J. Robbins). This test was the first to examine the neurovascular response of the ear to local anesthetic administration. I.B. The cartel called it rhinoveitomy by reflex testing of the inner ear, considering the reflex reaction not only as a side effect, but also as a certain pathophysiological test. A. To, being a scientific opponent of the Cartel regarding the objectivity of vestibulometric and angularometric tests, approved the position of reflex reactions of the middle ear as a classical way of determining the function of the labyrinth. He also coined the term K.-R., which is the method of choice when examining the functional state of the vestibular and auditory apparatus.