Grainy Balls

Granular balls (granular leukocytes) are nothing more than macrophages. They are formed from monocytes - white blood cells with the ability to phagocytose. This property allows microorganisms to destroy foreign substances, including antigens, and turn into granulocytes or granular leukocytes - a product of cell destruction. There are 3 types of granular microphages: cellular, foamy and granular. The article will talk about granular leukocytes. Macrophages are cells of the immune system that are 30-40 microns in size and are located in various tissues of the body. Unlike other immune cells, macrophages do not have a nucleus. Instead, they have a clearly visible nonspecific spot - the nucleolus. In their structure, macrophages contain many microparticles called granules. Granules are accumulations of lytic enzymes (cytolytic elements). Brain cells contain macrophages called astrocytes. Each brain cell contains a large number of such cells. And although granular balls can be classified as different types of immune complexes - macrophages, biophages and phagocytes, their role is no different. They all take part

Granular balls are macrophages that phagocytose the breakdown products of nervous tissue. They are round or polygonal cells containing various inclusions. The globules play an important role in protecting the brain from infection and damage.

Granular balls are formed from monocytes that migrate to the brain through the blood. After migration, monocytes turn into macrophages. Macrophages are found in brain tissue and perform many functions. They phagocytose damaged cells, such as neurons, and their breakdown products. They are also involved in the immune response to infections and inflammation.

However, granular balls can also be harmful to the brain. They can phagocytose healthy cells and cause their damage. In addition, granular balls can travel to other brain tissues and cause damage there. Therefore, granule balls need to be controlled and their number in the brain regulated.

Various methods are used for this. For example, medications can be used that block the formation of granular balls or increase their destruction. Gene therapy techniques can also be used to change the number of granular globules in the brain.