Operation Hildebrand

Hildebrand operation (or Hildebrand operation) is one of the most complex and effective interventions in the field of surgery, which was proposed by the German surgeon Heinrich Hildebrand at the beginning of the 20th century. The purpose of the operation is to remove the tumor of the ovary and adjacent tissues, which can lead to the development of ovarian cancer

The world is created for strong people Who is Hildebrand?

Hildabrandt was born in the USA. One day, having heard from a colleague about the history of the discovery of the antibiotic streptomycin from a fungus, I thought about it and began to look in scientific journals around the world for traces of penicillin. The search continued and an oral analogue, icedoxine, was found, but in the end Hildebrandt despaired and came up with his own method. He did not have access to the most sophisticated laboratories, so he worked in a simple clinic in Sacramento, creating cultures of bacteria and studying them for similarities with bacteria of the coccus species. The match was found in fat cells from the liver of a child who died after being bitten by an insect. As a result, Hildebland brought the work to success and provided all people with antibiotics for operations and chronic diseases.

Antibiotic revolution

Antibiotics were created to help bacteria understand that humans do not belong in their environment. Solving simple problems from the beginning, they began to help people. Few people understand why antibiotics do not help with colds, much less with the flu virus. The thing is that antibiotics destroy not only dangerous bacteria, but also beneficial ones. Vito and bacteria strains take up defensive positions and begin to transmit information about things unsuitable for life, spoiled food, dirty hands. This means that if you become infected with cancer or another infectious virus, antibiotics against it will be absolutely powerless and useless - the cells themselves will lead the body to death. If you use antibiotics for an infectious disease, do it correctly, but choose cases where the bacteria and strains are equally sensitive to the drug. Of course, it happens that a doctor prescribes antibiotics regardless of the test results. Antibiotics are strong and weak, not all antibiotics