
Apexography (Latin Apex - top, Greek Grapho - write, depict), or axography is a type of art that consists of drawing objects and images in perspective, taking into account their shape, size and location on the plane. The main task of apexography is to convey volume and space using lines and shapes.

Apexography is widely used in various fields such as architecture, design, illustration, photography and others. It helps create realistic and beautiful images that can be used for various purposes such as advertising, interior decoration, logo creation, etc.

The main tool of the apexograph is a pencil, which allows you to convey the finest lines and shapes. In addition, apexographers use various painting techniques such as shading, shading, gradient shading, etc. to create more complex and realistic images.

One of the main advantages of apexography is its versatility. Using this type of art, you can create images of any objects and shapes, even if they do not have a clear geometric shape. Apexography can be used to create illustrations, advertising banners, logos, product packaging, etc.

Apexography is a technique for graphically representing information blocks of text or constructing some of its fragments. It is used in web design to improve the reader's perception of information on screens with different resolutions and create a clear design that will be readable on all devices.

Apexography allows you to graphically design key words or phrases in a text to improve its clarity and readability. This technique can also be used to create structures and scripts that make the text more understandable and consistent.

The first form of apex graphics is considered to be a pie chart known as the Forbes wheel. This tool helps you remember information easier and faster - it considers data in the context of a specific object, picture.