
The apex is the top part of an organ or structure. For example, in anatomy they talk about the apex of the heart, the apex of the lung.

The apical foramen is the top portion of the tooth root, which contains a small opening called the apical foramen or apical foramen. Through this hole, blood vessels and nerves emerge from the dental pulp, feeding the tissues in the area of ​​the root apex.

The adjective "apical" also refers to the tip of an organ or structure. For example, the apical part of the lung, apical teeth (apical teeth).

Thus, the term "apex" refers to the upper part of the anatomical structure, and "apical" refers to that upper part. These terms are widely used in medicine and anatomy.

An apex is the top part of something, such as an organ or a tooth. The apex of the heart is the top part of the heart that is closest to the head. Also called the apex of the tooth is the upper part of the tooth, which is located next to its root. In this part of the tooth there is a small hole through which blood vessels and nerve endings pass.

The term “apex” is also used in medicine and dentistry to mean something related to the top, top of something. For example, “apical foramen” means a small opening in the upper part of the tooth root through which blood vessels and nerves pass to the surrounding tissues. Thus, the term “apex” has several meanings and can be used in different contexts.