Mikhalovsky-Modelsky Urethroplasty

Michalowski-Modelski urethroplasty is a method of surgical treatment of urethral strictures that was developed in the 1980s by Polish urologists Jan Michalowski and Jacek Modelski. This method is one of the most effective and safe methods for treating urethral stricture.

The main cause of urethral stricture is damage or deformation of the urethra as a result of various injuries or infections. A stricture can lead to urinary problems, pain, and other health problems.

Mikhalovsky-Model urethroplasty includes several stages:

  1. Preparation: Before surgery, the patient undergoes an examination to determine the degree of stricture and choose the optimal treatment method.
  2. Surgery: During surgery, the surgeon makes a small incision in the bladder area and manipulates the inside of the urethra through this incision. The urethra is then strengthened with a graft.
  3. Postoperative period: after the operation, the patient remains in the hospital under the supervision of doctors for several days. During this time, he takes antibiotics and painkillers and also monitors his condition.
  4. Recovery: After leaving the hospital, the patient should follow the doctor's recommendations for bladder and urethral care. This includes urinating regularly, taking medications and limiting exercise.

The advantages of Mikhalovsky-Model urethroplasty are high efficiency, low risk of complications and a short recovery period. However, like any other treatment, this method has its limitations and may not be suitable for all patients. Therefore, before deciding to undergo surgery, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

Why is urethroplasty performed? This method is used in urology to eliminate pathologies of the urethra that arise for various reasons. The operation is performed when:

diseases of the urinary system, causing partial or complete narrowing of the lumen of the urethra; proctitis, accompanied by complex curvature of the canal; stenosis of the lower intestine; surgical operations to remove benign and malignant tumors in the pelvic area; injuries to the urethra resulting in its fracture; mechanical damage to the urethra by foreign bodies; deformations of the urethra after unsuccessful operations. Urethroplasty can be performed on men and women. The main indication for surgery in men is deformation of the urethra after a series of surgical interventions. In such cases, plastic surgery is performed simultaneously in order to restore urinary functions. At the same time, in women, such an operation is performed as a replacement for infected or damaged areas.