Experiment Chronic

“Chronic experiment” is a physiological experiment in which research is carried out over a long period of time, on the same object, without significant disruption of the vital functions of this object.

During the experiment, the object is in conditions that may be harmful to it, but this does not lead to disruption of its vital functions. For example, an experiment may use a fistula, which is placed on the object being studied so that its condition can be monitored.

Such an experiment can be used in various fields, for example, in medicine, biology, ecology and others. It allows you to study the processes occurring in the body over a long period of time, which allows you to obtain more accurate results.

However, it must be taken into account that such an experiment can be dangerous for an object that is a living being. Therefore, it should be carried out only in case of emergency and under the supervision of specialists.

Experiment "Chronic"

Physiological and pathological conditions of the body.

**Note 1.** The experimental method is one of the most effective methods for determining many biological indicators. It can be different in nature, and is also quite controversial and unusual from an ethical point of view. The different pathologies that a research center studies may have different implications for practical application, but this does not prevent the scientist from continuing his work. Even a surgeon can use this method to treat a patient. The surgeon completely checks the course of the disease on experimental rabbits, and after that he uses the results to remove the tumor, eczema or other ailment. He also works with surgical instruments, establishing cancer metastases on rats or operating on mice. The tumor can develop up to several months, sometimes even years, until the experimental work is completed. And finally, in Russia, this is most often done by a biologist. Usually the operation takes place in a clinic under local anesthesia, i.e. After the examination, the patient comes to the clinic, calms down, and the doctor makes a small incision, which he then seals with a plaster to release the ichor. One such incision can contain up to a millimeter of a bleeding vessel, and according to this indicator it is considered one of the more humane, but the cost of an error is very high. After a person has fallen asleep peacefully or died during surgery, his blood and