Lead Anemia

Lead anemia

Lead anemia is a fairly rare blood disease that occurs when a person regularly interacts with lead (a heavy metal). In this case, symptoms of general intoxication of the body arise, which manifests itself in the form of skin rash, increased heart rate, changes in behavior and many others. To treat the disease, complex treatment is used, including the use of vitamins and blood purifying drugs. In addition, such measures are used to prevent lead anemia.

Symptoms of anemia

Since the effect of lead anemia on the body is delayed, patients do not complain immediately after contact with lead derivatives. The main symptom of this disease is fatigue and memory loss. A person sleeps quickly and a lot, his appetite decreases, and problems with the cardiovascular system arise. In some cases, indigestion is observed, and headaches of varying intensity may occur.

Over time, patients with lead anemia develop skin diseases. This process occurs due to the strengthening of the immune system, as a result of which the body resists the effects of harmful substances. But even in such a situation, lead can have a destructive effect on the blood. Upon contact with it, a skin rash develops - tubercles and nodules. Such lesions are located on the legs, arms and neck. All affected areas of the skin look like ulcers.