Carducci-Olmer Disease

Carducci-Olmer's disease

Carducci-Olmer disease is a rare hereditary disease that is characterized by progressive damage to the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs. The disease was described in 1904 by the Italian physician A. Carducci and the French pathologist R. Olmer.

A characteristic sign of the disease is the formation of multiple small nodules on the skin and mucous membranes, which can be painful when pressed. These nodules are formed due to disruption of the process of division and growth of epidermal cells.

In addition, with Carducci-Olmer disease, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, such as the kidneys, liver, lungs, heart and others, can be observed. This is due to the fact that the disease can cause damage to tissues and organs, as well as disruption of their functions.

Treatment of Carducci-Olmera disease is complex and requires an integrated approach. Typically, medications are used that help improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver and lungs. Surgical treatments may also be used, such as removing nodules on the skin and mucous membrane.

It is important to note that Carducci–Olmer disease is a rare disease, but it can cause serious health consequences. Therefore, if you suspect this disease, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

"Carducci-Olmer disease"

Carduccio Olmera is the name given to bilateral salpingo-oophoritis in a middle-aged woman, which is characterized by starting with an ovarian tumor and spreading to the uterus, tubal ligaments, abdominal and pelvic cavities. The incidence of the disease is approximately 25% in middle-aged women and 50% in later life. Carducio disease, also known as salpingitis, is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The same disease can be prostatitis when an inflammatory lesion affects the wall of the rectum. In typical cases, pain in the lower abdomen first occurs, then the patient’s temperature rises, but more often it remains normal. Then they are joined by acyclic bleeding, although sometimes there is no bleeding at all, an increase in urination and pain at the end of the process, sometimes a urinary disorder is observed, sometimes a symptom of sacral blockade can be observed (severe pain in the sacral area with light pressure). This course of the disease is usually observed in men.