Meningovascular tumor

In medicine, a disease is distinguished as a meningis-vascular tumor. It is also called liquor dumboma. A tumor is a growth or partial detachment of the membrane of the brain. It can also be located on the leg, but at the same time it gets twisted. Symptoms of the disease: * The tumor is caused by expansion of the subarachnoid space. A headache appears in the forehead, gradually spreading to the back of the head, intensifying with physical activity. After some time, photophobia, nausea, and vomiting appear. Loss of consciousness may occur and body temperature may rise. * Spreads to the eyeballs - glaucoma develops. As a result, optic nerve atrophy occurs; * Symptoms of intracranial hypertension appear: pain between the eyes, headaches. Characterized by rapid mood swings: sometimes cheerfulness, sometimes weakness, sometimes drowsiness. Headaches are accompanied by vomiting, insomnia, thirst, loss of appetite, irritability, and depression. Initially, the symptoms of the disease are quite mild, which makes diagnosis difficult. You need to seek help from a doctor as early as possible and start treatment immediately.